Styling, Photography, & Illustrations

I started envisioning what it would be like to have a company where I would be able to do what I love, on a regular basis, making people happy from it and getting payed to do it. I am not sure how I went from there to "Styling, Photography and Illustrations", since I also love knitting, making pottery, cooking, playing with my children, designing, sleeping, day-dreaming, dancing, writing letters, and oh-so-much-more. I think that I have an eye for photography that makes it almost alright that I have no formal training. (If this idea ever goes somewhere I will write an article about what I think one needs to be a good photographer.) This "eye" extends to the point where I can say I like things that are beautiful and can see how to tweak a couple of things here and there to uncover the not-always-so-obvious beauty in everything around me. Hence, stylist.

May be it is not the most orthodox way to go about it, but the first thing I recorded in my ideabook was PRESENCE (what would some promotional material for my company look like?):

COLORS (I have this color scheme in my mind since forever, inspired on a shirt my son owns):

NAME (I wish I were able to record my actual neuron-by-neuron thought process and the exchanges with my man while I wrote terms, crossed out terms, asked him to research terms...):

Enter, lightfolly. For some reason, it has to be lowercase.

This is what I imagine will be the first think you see when you go to my website, and the general idea I have for my logo. I want to maintain a general sense of simplicity, just like on Joy's site:

PHOTOGRAPHY: How to define/differentiate lightfolly? I thought of ways I could get my foot our there. May be a similar version of "I am mom"? A local chapter? What are other physical (as in capturable by a camera) attributes that I can use to create a project that will be of interest to people and at the same time be interesting to me?

That's all I have brainstormed about with myself. Lightfolly has been born.


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