If the world was a perfect place, for Mother's Day (that one day a year when mothers' year-round job is officially recognized) would be celebrated as follows:
1) Everybody in the world would spend the day with their mothers
2) The present they each would offer would be a celebration with mama's favorite things (of course, those that can be shared)
3) There would be no blenders involved but also no shoes: those are the perfect gifts for Chef's Day and
4) Bonds that may have stretched would be mended, faults would be acknowledged, love would be shared and spread
5) A memento of the day would be created to remember one more year of selflessness and gratitude
Somebody recently pointed out that this is quite far from many people's experience of this day. So I say:
1) If your mom is not with you, embrace a mom whose children may not be there
2) If your children are not with you, be a mom to somebody who needs one
3) If you and your mom are distanced, reach out
4) If you and your child are distanced, reach out even further
5) If you don't know who your mom is, celebrate with the closest motherly figure you've had in your life.
And if you do this everyday, and not only next Sunday, the world will slowly be a little closer to a perfect place.
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