Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Woman Underneath

I could write a lengthy post about Ryan. About all the roles she plays in other people's lives. About her extroverted gestures and her loving take on life. About her daily battles and conquers. But I want to show you who Ryan is when all of those things are turned off. I want to show her how I see her. I want for her and her three girls to treasure forever the look in her eyes when she smiled at my lens without second thoughts and a little bit of wit. It was an experience worth reliving every time I look at these.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Several weeks and countless late nights later, Lightfolly's new website is up! Well, it's the same website, the one I built and designed, but now more simplified and aimed at describing our new direction.

I wanted a clean, inviting website. I used bootstrap to build it, as planed, and I am quite happy with it. I have found some glitches here and there, and I am sure more will surface. But if a woman wanting to #existinphotos for future generations, and to crystallize their family's life, arrives at, understands what we offer, falls in love with our work, and can easily book a photo session, the website is doing its job.

Feel free to stop by and leave a comment or send me a message. I would love to hear from you!


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Small Business Saturday

I have much to say about big corporations' strategies to get people to spend money on them. And about small businesses trying to promote their work and invite people to spend locally. But I will not bore you with it upfront; if interested, read after the dots.

Lightfolly is participating of "Small Business Saturday" this November 29th, but not with a come-and-get-this-almost-for-free-service offering. If you book me for a photo session, and make the booking ON November 29th, you'll receive a 20% discount! Great, right? This is in accordance with all promotional services and specials that Lightfolly offers year-round. We want you to support local mortar and brick stores every Saturday. Every day. Let's say this is just an excuse to do it simultaneously with other people choosing small shops around the world. To feel a part of something bigger. To support the community you live in and get a little something back.

Book a session by calling 307-703-8118, emailing or clicking here.


The weekend after Thanksgiving here in the USA is madness, as you all may know, even if you don't live here. Black Friday, the day right after Turkey Day, has people so frantically invested in taking advantage of the huge sales offered by big retailers (their biggest discounts of the year), that they camp in parking lots and wait all night to be the first ones in. A similar madness goes on at home the following Monday, named Cyber Monday, when it's the online retailers the ones promising you'll get their products almost for free if you shop online at their sites.

In 2010, an initiative started with the intention of promoting yet more shopping. This time is the small business community the one represented, encouraging consumers to shop local and in small brick and mortar stores. But the campaign was created by American Express and Facebook was one of the most benefited through its promotion, two companies that are everything but small or local...

I want my community to find my work appealing and to want to get photographed by me. I want for the people in it to #existinphotos. I want, whenever possible, to make money less of a reason why they wouldn't. And I trust they will want to support local businesses enough that they don't really NEED a special day to do it. May every Saturday be SBS!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mother & Daughter Moments

"Linda" means beautiful in Spanish, my native tongue. Linda has three daughters, three grandchildren, and she doesn't like smiling in photographs. And the name certainly suits her. Becca is one of her daughters. A runner and a very active mom who could hardly imagine herself as glamorous. Mother and daughter came to Lightfolly's studio one afternoon, a little bit skeptical that a lens could capture their connection. What an opportunity to make some magic.

So here we were: tulle skirts, curlers, and mascara all around. They began by siting down and commenting on each other's make-up and clothing choices. They were a little awkward at first, being asked to pose and embrace under direction. But eventually they let go; Linda smiled, Becca looked glamorous. But most importantly, they let themselves be together and connect. They let themselves step outside of their comfort zones and be beautiful. They let themselves #existinphotos. And that, my friends, is magic.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


The afternoon Sara and her boys met me at Kiwanis park was breezy and sunny. The summer was starting and June in Laramie was warm and bright. I could see why this is Sara's favorite park, and why she wanted photos of her boys taken there.

Indi is the oldest. Blonde, sky-like eyes, piggy-back-ride giver. Emmet is the middle one. Kind smile and gentleness pouring out his pores. Rossie is the youngest one. Giggles, two-year-old struggle, dirt eating.

Photographing children as they are, while they play, until they are exhausted. That is what I am talking about! May these photos bring back memories and a little bit of the summer's sun to this almost-here winter.